Spongebob, The Movie, Directors Cut

So, when I was little, I loved Spongebob, it was my favorite show ever, and it still is. So while I was cleaning out my attic a few days back, I found a DVD case, it had a white piece of paper with "Spüngebob" written on it, me being the nostalgic oerson I was, I decided to play it on my DVD player. I inserted the disk to be greeted with a menu screen with Bikin Bottom in the background, the sky was bloodred. There were 2 options; Play, and select. I pressed play
It began playing the intro of spongebob, but it was backways. Spongebob was also not there, pretty suspicion I think, but maybe just something in my eye? The episode was Band Geeks, one of my least favorites, at 4 minutes in, Spongebob was dead, holding a shotgun. Next to him was dead Gary. I was pretty scare at this point. but I continued watching, the screen flashed blue showing a picture of a ded whale. I shut down the DVD player and the disk melted into it, for the next few days I recived text messages from some person called "Spookybob" I am now a ded skurlaton.